How to import chartbooks in Sierra chart

How to import chartbooks in Sierra chart

You just downloaded a chartbook but you don't know how to import it in Sierra chart? No problem, follow these simple steps. The process is really easy to understand.

What is a chartbook in Sierra chart?

One of the key features of Sierra Chart is the ability to use chartbooks, which are pre-configured collections of charts and settings for a specific asset. In this article, we will guide you through the process of importing a chartbook in Sierra Chart.

Step 1: Download Your Chartbook

Before you can install a chartbook in Sierra Chart, you need to obtain the chartbook file. You can find chartbooks on this website it cover the most used indicators used for trading, from heatmap to footprint and Ichimoku. Make sure you download the chartbook file to a location on your computer that you can easily access.

Step 2: Find Sierra chart folder

In most case Sierra chart is installed in the C// repository

Sierra chart folder

Then go to the DATA folder and paste the chartbook file in this folder.

Data folder

Once you have pasted the file in the data folder close this window and open Sierra chart. Then go to "File / open chartbook".


Step 3: View Chartbooks

If you don't see the graphs and you obtain an error know that all the chartbook present on this website are constructed with the Denali data feed of Sierra chart. If you use another data feed (like CQG or Rithmic) you will need to change the symbol of every graphs present in the chartbook.

Error message symbol

To solve this problem simply go to "Chart / Chart settings / Symbol" and select the asset that you want. 

Symbol modification

symbol selection

If you still have difficulties to know which contract you need to select go to the CME group website and type the asset that you want in the research bar. The current contrat will be shown for every asset.

Contract selection

Now you know how to import new chartbook into Sierra chart and also how to change the symbol of the chart. Good luck with your learning of the Sierra chart platform and don't hesitate to come back to this blog, new articles will be published in a regular basis.

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